March was a busy month for SFFI! We launched our brand new Tools for Engaging Landowners Effectively website, with fresh content and data from the National Woodland Owner Survey, published a new version of our workbook, and conducted three workshops! The Wisconsin workshop took place at the Aldo Leopold Foundation in Baraboo from March 15 – 16. The Alabama Workshop was conducted at Auburn University in Auburn from March 22 – 23, and the Maine workshop was conducted at the Maine Forest Products Council Office in Augusta on March 29.
During the breakout sessions, groups focused on communication objectives concerning oak regeneration, longleaf and shortleaf pine restoration, increasing active management, and invasive species. If you are curious to hear about any of these projects, contact Emma: emma.kravet@yale.edu
We’ve received great feedback, including suggestions for ways to enhance the workshops and program materials, from our participants in all three states. If you have reviewed our new workbook or website and have suggestions, we would love to hear from you!