
September 24, 2015
Choice is a good thing, right? True. But you can have too much of a good thing. Most of the natural resource professionals I’ve met like to give people options rather...
September 3, 2015
It’s been a busy and exciting summer at the Sustaining Family Forests Initiative! This July, SFFI traveled south to teach folks throughout the region about Tools for Engaging...
August 14, 2015
Are you looking to share what you’ve learned at a TELE workshop with your co-workers? So are we! Download our template of the TELE workshop’s presentation on how to use...
August 7, 2015
At last month’s TELE workshop in South Carolina, representatives of the Indian Creek Woodland Savanna Restoration Initiative presented a flyer for their upcoming event. The...
August 5, 2015
For Karen Bennett, TELE has changed more than just how she markets workshops or forums. Since attending a workshop in Portsmouth, New Hampshire last year, she and her staff...
July 24, 2015
SFFI has released four case studies showcasing projects that have used the TELE methodology to engage more landowners in land stewardship and conservation. Each case study...
July 13, 2015
Support your audience at every step on the path from thinking to doing. We all assume that changing people’s attitudes leads to changes in their behavior. But just because...